About a year ago, in the Other section of the discussion forum I frequent, dvdtalk.com, someone posted a link to a website called wittycomics.com, where you could make your own comic strips using pre-designed characters and backgrounds, and you could make them say pretty much anything you wanted to. I say "pretty much" because if you opt to register with Witty Comics you can save your comics right on their site, where they're subject to potential, shall we say, moderation. It's a form of censorship, but hey, it's their site, and they can choose to host whatever they like. No problem. I simply got around the moderation by doing a Print Screen into Paint, cropping out the comic, and saving it into my Photobucket account. That way I can leave in all the language and subject matter without fear of being turned in to whatever powers that be.
Anyhoo...several people in Other made a few strips that were mostly inside jokes, taking shots at other users and whatnot, and I eventually jumped in myself. I like doing things of a creative nature, especially where it comes to displaying my quirky sense of humor, and making people laugh. For the most part, I don't care if someone else thinks I'm funny or not, because this was something I wanted to do for myself, and if I can make myself laugh, well, that's all the entertainment I need.
Several of the characters in the strip-maker on the Witty Comics site are everyday-type characters that you can put into whatever situations, and several more have drinks in their hands, for some reason, like they're party-goers or something. For my very first strip, the one that started it all, I latched onto a cocky-looking character who I thought had potential. In the strip itself, I gave him the first name of "Steve":
Further Drink-Man posts only continued for a few days, mainly because people lose interest fairly quickly around there, and I'm no exception. I'll show the rest of the DM comics from last year, and give descriptions or explanations where necessary:
This second strip was the first to make use of the name "Drink-Man":
In this strip, Steve, aka "Drink-Man", begins showing us his womanizing ways:
This strip is a big inside joke that probably only people from DVD Talk will get:
And that pretty much does it for the Drink-Man strips from the Witty Comics thread from last year. It more or less establishes the character as a habitual drinker, a self-styled ladies' man, and a laid-back jokester who seems to continually deal with whatever his brain is telling him he's seeing. Drink-Man didn't go over very big, mainly because lots of people were making all kinds of different strips, and using the same character (among others) in their own strips. Drink-Man was just another face in the crowd...a clever joke amongst other clever jokes. I utilized the strips in a couple other situations for a short time afterward in other threads:
When the creator of comic strip "B.C.", Johnny Hart, passed away:
And in another thread where someone told a certain story: